It all started with a creative spark… 

A lovely escape from the noise and constant demands of school and work in my college years. 

Making jewelry began as a hobby but took me on the path of devotion to energetic alignment, self-love, & growth I did not expect.

I got a glimpse into a world of possibilities that I had no idea had existed. The possibility that we can make a living while nourishing our soul creatively. The possibility that we no longer have it try to fit ourselves into a box of societal norms. The possibility that we are more powerful that we may believe and are absolutely capable of creating a life of our dreams. 

If you were to ask me what is the idea or meaning behind Epiphany's Horn? I would tell you that it is a story about realizing that your imagination is your greatest gift, and to obtain everything you've ever wanted will require you facing your greatest fears. 

Epiphany's Horn jewelry encapsulates the essence of a love letter to yourselves through self-expression & courage. Each piece in the collection is created with the intention to remind you to celebrate your uniqueness and that we were born worthy and enough, and if the desire is in your heart, then it is meant for you. 

Several pieces feature natural gemstones from our mother earth. I invite you to anchor into the energy of abundance that is available all around us. These moments are amplified when you are fully present. You may start to notice little magical moments in your life and the beauty that surrounds you. That feeling of gratitude that you are focusing on is so powerful that it naturally attracts more abundance and love into your life.

My hope is that with each piece you wear sparks joy and reminds you to nourish yourself, your gifts, & your dreams… and also have the courage to manifest them into your reality.

Founder of Epiphany's Horn